3D Contents

[3D Contents] About NFT

17su 2022. 9. 2. 15:29

Hello.  This is RebuilderAI.

Today we will talk about 'NFT', which is often mentioned nowadays.


Maybe you all have heard the word NFT, but there are few people who can explain exactly what NFT is. 


Therefore, let's check out what is NFT, what is its character and advantage, and how does it related to the 3D model in today's post. 



What is NFT?

NFT (aka. non-fungible token) is a virtual token that uses blockchain technology to prove the owner of a digital asset. Addresses pointing to digital files such as pictures and videos are stored in tokens, and are used to indicate their unique originality and ownership.


<a href="https://www.flaticon.com/free-icons/nft" title="nft icons">Nft icons created by wanicon - Flaticon</a>



Pros of NFT

Then what is the character of NFT?

First, existing files were easy to copy without permission because they consisted of only data. 

Second, NFT is based on blockchain, so you can claim digital ownership and distinguish between original and copy. This means that the ownership of the asset can be clarified and the first issuer of the NFT can be identified at any time, so counterfeiting is not possible.


To put it simply, you can see <the Mona Lisa> on the Internet or print it, or put it on your house, but the actual original is just the one Mana Lisa in the Louvre Museum. In the same way, anyone can see the NFT, but there's only one person who can claim ownership. 


Therefore, NFT can give value to virtual assets of scarcity and uniqueness, so it is said that its influence has increased considerably recently, focusing on digital artworks and game items. 

In effect, NFT is being made and traded in various forms beyond photography and music. 


NFT is expected to have many transactions in the future since it is proven that they are worth investing in. 




Everland 30th anniversary of the Tulip Festival


Also, on the 30th anniversary of the Tulip Festival which was held in Everland, the tulip contents NFT produced by designers were sold out in just 15 seconds every day.





Various form of NFT which is sold in OpenSea



In addition, as the value of the digital products traded in virtual space increases in untact era,

we can expect that NFT transactions will become more active.



Relationship between NFT and 3D model

With the expansion of the NFT market, where you can do various creative activities, you can create NFT forms through 3D modeling.

Using our VRIN application, you can simply convert any of your objects into 3D models and sell them as NFT. 




3D model NFT powered by VRIN

What about creating the NFT in new way such as 3D modeling, if you have a chance to sell NFT?